Several strategies for avoiding a painful, protracted death were described in commentaries on the study by doctors, lawyers and medical ethicists.
Another handed himself over to a party of Elf-folk for a hideous and protracted death.
His own father died a protracted, painful death while he was in medical school.
Once only did I not eschew evil; that memory is connected with the protracted and horrible death of my mother.
The cancer spread rapidly into the bones and lymph nodes, causing a painful, protracted death.
Nursing her husband through his protracted death from colon cancer had galvanized her.
It is fear of a painful, lonely and protracted high-tech death that has fueled the movement to make assisted suicide legal.
It would be death for him, as painful and protracted as possible.
Their patient was dying, and while that was bad enough, the manner of her protracted death would be horrid beyond words.
One tiny prick of the point would ensure him a protracted and agonizing death which no physician could ease or cure.