He admitted that the system had some dangers, but it "practically justifies itself beyond the proudest claims and wildest hopes of its enthusiasts".
Controls thus indicate that 'Treatment X' actually makes things worse, despite that initial proud claim about 1000 people.
The state of this flat, that is not a proud claim to make.
Despite her proud claims, Adelia found herself terrified on the evening of the party.
They contrast this angrily with their Communist-dominated government's proud claim to be the only republic still handing over its budget dues to Moscow.
But it also includes Lang's proud claim that there were no deaths among the hundreds of African assistants and porters he employed.
The proudest American claim to date is that not a single American life has been lost during the first week of combat there.
Meantime, young people with even the most tangential Jewish ties now lay proud claim to their heritage.
History's forgotten men, on the other hand, often become somebody in death - with proud claims on their epitaphs.
The land matters symbolically, as it is the basis of Ecuador's proud claim to be an Amazon country.