My commander bears a proud lineage.
Lady Rosamund later gave birth to his second son, Edward the Posthumous, who reportedly became ancestor of "a proud lineage".
Giles interrupted, his eyes mocking, "our illustrious head of the family has not even bothered to tout his proud lineage!
Felicity snapped, "I would have you know, Miss Robertson, that the Carmichael family has a noble and proud lineage.
I am Unit R-0012-ZGY of the Dinochrome Brigade, Mark XXXIV of an ancient and proud lineage.
The 15th Construction Engineer Battalion has a proud and distinguished lineage.
The poet before her, of a lineage nearly as proud as her own, said, with a certain desperation now, "A child.
She is the first U.S. Navy vessel, in a proud lineage of ships, to bear the name Ticonderoga.
The religious life and the fact that he was of proud lineage may have had something to do with the matter.
The AFNIC has a long and proud lineage, and now serves as the sixth generation AF central communications and information organization.