But the point about that kind of stuff was that you needed someone around to be proudly independent and self-reliant at.
In tracking down the daughter of a bookie-barber proudly independent of the mob, Lomax learns much about why parents and children become estranged.
But the wealthy, proudly independent real estate barons of Manhattan were not about to give up their independence to a suburban upstart.
It has a proudly independent judiciary.
Along with a keen sense of the fleetingness of life, "south coasters" remain proudly independent.
S.C.I.'s growth has brought opposition from proudly independent funeral homes and consumer groups that want the company to share the savings from its efficiencies.
For Phillips and Conoco, both proudly independent, the merger comes as an acknowledgment that they can no longer afford to go it alone.
Although Arizona's demographics are changing quickly, our voters remain proudly independent.
For well over a decade, Emmylou Harris has stood as a proudly independent figure in the world of country music.
Still, the mere thought of the proudly independent club sailors falling under the wing of the varsity establishment has been fuel for lively debate.