No blues guitarist better represented the adventurous modern sound of Chicago's West side more proudly than Sam Maghett.
He proudly represented the Dominican Republic and was seen as the magnet for a new audience.
Nearly 100 strong, the Marching Hawks proudly represented the school.
His nickname was 'Mister Consistency' and this was never more obvious than when he was proudly representing his country.
"I am a small business owner proudly representing the 10th District of Illinois."
This is not a political endorsement, by any means, but they give off the aura of a team proudly representing a way of life.
The 3 colours on the new crest (yellow, red and blue) represent these 3 entities which we will be proudly representing in the nearby future.
It is 1842, and Emma Garnet's father proudly represents all that is wrong with what will later become the Confederacy.
The club began life as White Eagle, who proudly represented the Polish migrant community in Tasmania.
He calls himself a 'black Pole' and says that he proudly represents Poland on international kickboxing arena.