Over the last 40 years, he has proved agile at taking advantage of a growing interdependence in Brazil between business and government.
One whose lame little brother proved agile as a snake, and nastily gifted at knife play.
On the long ropes and harnesses, boys proved more agile and energetic than grown men or women.
Raab, the oldest of them, proved surprisingly agile but Win-stedt was puffing and groaning audibly by the time they reached the crest.
He proved remarkably agile for his diminutive size, and he proved adept keeping to all types of bowling.
It proved agile but difficult to handle, and with the supercharged Mercury was underpowered, particularly at low altitude.
Goliath and David A.T.&T. has proven agile at teaming with pivotal start-ups in many of these fields.
Press Vigilance Repeatedly in recent months, Brazil's newspapers and news magazines have proved more agile than Brazil's governmental institutions in investigating corruption.
He proves more agile than one would assume, jumping and using his size as a weapon.
Paris aimed a solid punch at the Ryol's jaw, but the man proved more agile than expected; he ducked beneath the blow and barreled into Paris.