Finding the man, if he exists, could prove extremely difficult because of the open border policy among 15 countries in Europe.
Only five times before has a Stranger come into our land and proved worthy of living among us as a warrior.
The series proved a major success among fans and lasted for 50 issues, before coming to a conclusion in 2010.
The 18th hole once again proved itself among the most dramatic and exciting in championship golf.
This presentation style proved particularly popular among two age groups: youngsters and senior citizens.
The high school proved very popular among all social classes, and it encouraged attendance at lower level schools.
Obviously, he's been sent out to prove himself among us common folk.
It proved a hit in 1973 among the youth of the 70's.
But he proved his enduring popularity among voters and won re-election.
He predicted that it would prove among the year's most important meetings.