She still wasn't sure what she thought of the federal agent's presence, but so far he was proving less annoying than the state detective.
There was more to this business than he had imagined and some of the details were proving quite annoying.
The other part of my proposal will probably prove annoying to radicals, thereby ensuring a proper balance.
Baybrock's route required a few detours, but they would not prove annoying.
Then again, when a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am rooster proves too annoying, he is dispatched as dinner for the neighbors.
Too far away from the enemy, and the laser would only prove annoying.
My poor Dean, you are no match for me, but you may prove annoying, nevertheless.
A very short length of cable is supplied with the machine, and this proved annoying unless an extension lead was used.
Such laws as those pertaining to chemicals can often prove annoying from the point of view of improved competitiveness.
"If you do not prove too annoying."