Both Mr Gough and Mr Bullock said that the two firms had proved surprisingly compatible.
Having no fear of death, after the guidance she had received from her spiritual guide, Pilar volunteered for the process and after proving genetically compatible for it, underwent it.
Perhaps they are worried that people like me, who ask many questions, will not prove compatible with the mentalities of chief executives and chief financial officers?
These two very distinct areas of work proved compatible largely because the basic skills of writing are the same for most people and for most purposes.
Fire-lizards proved compatible with the original dragonets, but the enhanced genetics of the fire-lizard proved to be a much bigger advantage, and dragonets eventually bred out of existence.
Nevertheless, after proving genetically compatible for the process, Deguchi decided to undergo it.
The approaches of the two artists prove wholly compatible, and the interpretation moves forward with assurance.
This proved compatible with iron-coated aluminum pistons and was a fairly simple production process.
They might, he mused, prove highly compatible.
Currents' outlook proved increasingly compatible with organizations like the Workmen's Circle.