Conducting interviews for CineMagazzino also proved congenial: when asked to interview Aldo Fabrizi, Italy's most popular variety performer, their immediate personal rapport led to professional collaboration.
For most people, this supposedly horrifying arrangement has proven remarkably congenial, and it doesn't appear likely to change.
History was indeed to prove far more congenial to Harold than poetry.
Moreover, with its free-market flavor, the Chicago approach proved congenial to the Reagan Administration, which was born in Lexecon's infancy.
These chronicles, of which Columbus himself wrote the first, have proved remarkably congenial to the purpose of contemporary novelists and critics.
In short, marriage has evolved, usually in ways that prove so congenial we forget it was ever otherwise.
Life in his own monastery proved no more congenial than before.
But the peace that set in after the Israeli troops withdrew into Israel in late May has not proved so congenial, either.
The whole situation in the household was proving more congenial to Frank than he had expected it to be.
By contrast, few private white-collar workplaces have proven congenial to pro-union sentiment.