Susie engaged guides to accompany her on the road, but they proved faithless.
The woman he had loved when he was young had proven faithless, her love false.
(Unfortunately Manapa-Tarhunta proved faithless anyway a few years later.)
He fought actively in this cause, but Peter proved faithless, and Trubleville was soon again in Gascony.
For Azerbaijanis, as for other Caucasian peoples, history is a succession of calamities in which all allies prove faithless.
But should he prove faithless, there will be no generosity, no mercy, the next time.
In his delightfully odd second novel, Frederick Reuss traces a child's obsession with faith, even as the adults around him prove faithless.
She attempted suicide with laudanum when Imlay proved faithless.
On reaching Lahore, Jeipal proved faithless and imprisoned those commissioned to receive the treasure.
And I would not be proved faithless.