We were in close quarters and impulsiveness could prove hazardous.
If the enemy attacked you instead of the other way around, that could prove hazardous to your life expectancy.
Wolfe: Since you were equipped with evidence, it might not have proven hazardous to inform the police.
He could also buck a trend that has proved hazardous to third-round leaders.
The subway trip was safe enough, but from then on, the professor's journey could prove hazardous.
When this proved hazardous, the airport tried using guards to stop traffic.
Sadly my health has not been good in recent months and I fear such a journey could prove hazardous.
The village manager said that insufficient water pressure could prove hazardous in a fire emergency.
"I should think," said Jimmy, "that your particular line of endeavor would prove rather hazardous in a place where you are known by the police."
Aggressive efforts to clean up the air, water and land often drive rapid changes in technology, which in themselves may prove hazardous.