Lawrence almost pointed out that having so many groups evolve in a city proved his argument about culture.
Neither side can prove its argument, because the types of studies that could tease out a true increase have not been done.
"Open and shut case unfortunately," said Raymond, "but we're going to make the Crown prove their argument beyond anyone's doubt."
And how are you going to prove your argument?
The increase of White females in community-college or university settings proves his argument, even if not popular.
She took the student's violin and played - no, played down - the passage, proving her argument in sound.
In the end, the female gets kicked and proves her argument.
They proved their argument by lighting a fire, making ash, and then washing it completely away with a bowl of water.
Select the facts that prove your argument, suppress the rest.
In January, a federal judge upheld the constitutionality of the test and ruled that the plaintiffs had not proved their argument on dropouts.