This led to a series of colonization efforts in a globe about 70 light years around Earth, but these ended as their costs proved prohibitive.
A digital projector can cost around $100,000, a sum that has proved prohibitive to many exhibitors.
An abortive project, begun in 1835, to design a light on a stone pier at the site was cancelled when the cost proved prohibitive.
Ten examples were built, but they only entered limited commercial service; their high cost and problems with the cooling of the after engines proved prohibitive.
Even as the New York economy recovered in 1996 and 1997, the cost of new construction proved prohibitive.
But once again, costs proved prohibitive as oil prices slumped in the 1980s.
Gaiman had originally wanted to reconstruct a console room from the original series, but the cost proved prohibitive.
At the time, the cost of developing the gas field proved prohibitive.
In some cases, this has led to hospitals using an unlicenced form rather than the licensed agent, as the price difference proved prohibitive.
In the beginning, she noted, the price of retirement land and labor proved prohibitive.