It proved unfeasible for the reasons mentioned above.
The Panic of 1873 had great reduced tax revenues, however, and full repayment proved unfeasible.
Thus relying on export agriculture as an "engine of economic growth" proved unfeasible.
But the small farms eventually proved economically unfeasible, and the area soon reverted to wilderness.
This programme proved unfeasible with the technology from that era.
But that proved economically unfeasible, so the lot was rezoned for a day-care center with professional offices on the second floor.
This proved unfeasible, however, and Congress also authorized the notes to be signed by procurators.
Attempts to use a Sloika design to achieve megaton-range results proved unfeasible.
Los Angeles County officials originally planned a 2009 reopening, but that proved unfeasible.
When that proved unfeasible, they opted for an almost monochromatic effect which would enhance the fantasy aspect.