But beyond their physical limitations, the old buildings are proving unfit for the way science is taught today.
And if there were anything to the allegation, when exactly was it that the conservative viewpoint was proven unfit for literary consumption?
What if he were proven unfit and were not reelected next year?
If Valentine could be proved unfit to inherit, he might be put aside in favor of Daniel or Stephanie.
The location proved untenable and unfit for the establishment of a semi-permanent installation.
Some difficulty occurred in finding the stone for the piers, that obtained from the quarry first opened proving unfit for the work.
She proved unfit for further service and was broken up later that year.
The technologies developed by the research project proved unfit for railway use, but were recycled in the Formula One racing activities of the Fiat group.
You will have to shift for yourselves - and of course, the chances are that the atmosphere, if there is any, will prove unfit for human respiration.
The Dutch Resident proved unfit for his job, underestimating the signs of an approaching uprising.