Third, Microsoft has proved untrustworthy in the past.
However, his partners proved untrustworthy, and Beauregard was publicly embarrassed when the line failed to pay its debts within a few years.
If he proves untrustworthy I fear that I will have to take my great leap into the unknown.
A stark thought, but not so stark as what might happen-would happen-if he proved untrustworthy.
Many countries allow computer evidence in trials, but that could change if digital evidence proves untrustworthy in future cases.
A stark thought, but not so stark as what might happen - would happen - if he proved untrustworthy.
Or is the government trying to get back at a longtime informant who proved untrustworthy?
A third reason, he said, was that Microsoft "has proved untrustworthy in the past."
However, Snodgrass's writings on the topic have been proven untrustworthy.
Miss Marple's warning was to not put herself at the mercy of the understudy should she prove untrustworthy in the future.