However, the available data do not yet support specific recommendations for its use as a proven therapy for cardiovascular disease.
The therapist also should have experience treating people who have depression and should be trained in proven therapies.
Whomever you see, it is important that this person has experience treating people with depression and is trained in proven therapies.
Until now, there has been no proven long-term therapy that is safe for high-risk patients.
"Clearly, many more persons could be freed from the slavery of addiction if only this proven effective therapy were more widely available," he said.
In contrast, the annual direct cost of a proven therapy like intensive insulin treatment is about $3,500 per patient [17].
It is dangerous to blindly bolster useless and even harmful treatments while failing to support proven therapies.
These are proven therapies that can control blood sugar.
So given that, I think the entry of something like Xenical would clearly make it the first safe, proven and effective therapy.
There is no proven effective therapy once someone becomes sick from smallpox.