The purpose of the highway is to provide a bypass for Mexico City for traffic to the west and south.
The new route provided a signed bypass of Baldwinsville, albeit to the north instead of the south.
Finally in 2005, the M50 was extended to link up to the M11, providing a full western bypass of the capital.
The primary purpose was to provide a bypass for express trains, but a few wooden stations were built on the line to encourage suburban development.
Together they provided a northern bypass around the congestion.
The state highway also provides a bypass of Chestertown between the western and eastern parts of the county.
An additional siding was therefore laid to provide a bypass for the shed which effectively put it on a short loop.
The auxiliary interstate 295 provides a bypass around Providence.
This road provided a private bypass of the toll gate at Northchapel for the earl's family and friends.
This provides an eastern bypass to the busy SR 99.