In addition to general medicine and surgery, the Health Center provides a full complement of medical care so most medical problems can be treated.
The accompanying wine was light but slightly too sweet to provide a good complement to the fruit; it was also quietly powerful.
So we get a two-dimension picture of the magnetospheric dynamics which provides an essential complement to the satellite observations.
Mr. Douglas's music provided a perfect complement to her ideas for the works.
TTA provides a complete academic complement of courses for graduation and college entry.
Overall, it's not a great choice for beginners, although note that it provides a great complement to his studio albums of the '50s.
They also provide a fine complement to pastel-tinted roses in the last flush of bloom.
This element provides a crucial complement to your diet.
This proposal will provide an important complement to the existing regulatory framework.
They provided an admirable complement to my more fantastic reading, and each was the more enjoyed for its conmast to the other.