Instead, the city itself provided a mass of glow against the January twilight.
The patients and their partners have undergone periodic testing over a period of decades, providing a mass of longitudinal data for statistical analysis.
Cooperation between their staff and students has been extremely effective in providing a critical mass for generating ideas and implementing new teaching methods.
It also stands out as a theme that provides a watery mass for additional controlled repetitions of shapes and colors.
But by and large, the managers say that the multitude of offerings provides a critical mass for an explosion of cultural tourism.
This concrete provided a rigid mass covering the open space.
This message implies that *Emilia is in danger, asking the player to contact someone named *Paris, and provides a mass of binary code.
Attics can also help control temperature in a house by providing a large mass of slowly moving air.
The housing, he added, will provide "a critical mass" of homeowners with an interest in the area's future.
Tin-plate models continue to provide a mass of correspondence.