Raised beds provide good drainage and aeration for roots.
In the 1960s, ice cream machine manufacturers introduced mechanized air pumps into vending machines, providing better aeration.
Currently, water pumps provide the only substantial flow and aeration.
Porous pots are usually clay and are highly recommended because they provide better aeration as air passes laterally through the sides of the pot.
Also before new growth begins in spring, use a bamboo rake to pull any debris off the groundcover and provide natural aeration.
Both these systems utilize fine or medium bubble diffusers to provide aeration and mixing to the process water.
It also provides good aeration.
Provide as much aeration for geraniums as possible; if in pots, move them where they have better air circulation.
Gun ports also provided aeration to the cluttered ships.
Change the water every day to keep bacterial growth down and provide enough aeration.