After the Armenian genocide of 1915, Romania was the first state to officially provide political asylum to refugees from the area.
Those countries should accept the responsibility to provide asylum for at least some of those determined to be refugees under a screening program.
Iranian diplomats showed their concern but did not offer any assistance, though they were willing to provide asylum to the rebel group in Iran.
It also recognizes the human rights value of providing asylum for Cuban political offenders and reuniting divided families.
She has provided asylum for a friend, that is all.
This serves to increase the Jewish population and provides asylum to people who face religious discrimination in the countries they emigrate from.
Under such circumstances, in-patient beds providing 24-hour asylum may be essential.
Russia has provided political asylum to Milošević's family, which the families of those murdered in the conflicts have protested.
The bill would also diminish America's tradition of providing asylum to the persecuted.
Sweden will provide political asylum for draft dodgers and deserters.