Wet suits that can be used during biking and running provide security and buoyancy.
There are pneumatocysts at intervals along the fronds which provide buoyancy.
This is not always possible, and in those cases an alternative method of providing positive buoyancy should be used.
There are tiny air pockets trapped in the neoprene to provide increased buoyancy.
In turn, the additional investment will provide buoyancy to the price, thus completing a positive feedback loop.
The oil also provides buoyancy, so the eggs float and drift with the current.
The bubbles also give the wetsuit a low density, providing buoyancy in water.
It lives in a beautiful multi-chambered shell, which provides buoyancy and protection.
As the animal grew, new chambers were added to provide sufficient buoyancy for the increasing weight.
The screen covered the top half of the tank and provided buoyancy in the water.