The movie was adaptated into a 1996 game, which includes clips from the film, while providing an original story and new characters.
Anyway, the novelist's job is to provide realized characters and a clear moral vision, not a happy ending.
In this supporting role your Orc units don't need to be so large and there is less need to provide standards or characters.
It also provides characters which do not actually print but instead control how text is processed, for example line endings, or right to left.
What it can do is provide characters who offer some light relief to the show, whilst still functioning (just about) as believable human beings.
The chorus often provided other characters with the insight they needed.
These provide cheaper, but slightly weaker characters to lead or support your army.
They haven't exactly been pulling their weight when it comes to providing identifiable characters for a mobster-hungry public.
Both expected the show to deal with serious topics (in a comedic way) while also providing positive characters for viewers.
Sci-fi is one of the best genres when it comes to providing strong female characters.