In fact, none of these approaches are likely to provide anything close to a perfect hedge, eliminating all risk of loss.
Its introduction alone provides something close to a definitive evocation of the factors that turned the 1960s into "the sixties".
The detector operated with close to 100% efficiency and provided performance characteristics very close to its design values.
Food stamps provide an income at a third of the poverty line, close to $6,300 for a family of three.
The rock is large enough to provide a suitable resting place close to the halfway mark of the trail.
The northern lawyers haven't been slow to see the marketing potential of providing legal services close to home.
Within the state of Maine, the salmon industry provided close to 1000 jobs in 1996.
But it's even more likely they'll provide protection very close to that enjoyed by all women prior to menopause.
Whitehall provides something pretty close to an ideal real-world laboratory.
The place is providing its residents with pure water very close to the Periyar River.