They can not specify the domain and system under development adequately because the method does not provide concepts or notations for the task at hand.
On his website he states "the goal of my teaching is to provide Biblical principles and concepts of life to guide people in their choices."
Musical set theory provides concepts for categorizing musical objects and describing their relationships.
Moreover, those restaurants that are able to provide new concepts that can appeal to a wider variety of customers will also realize increased returns.
Provide standardized concepts (data/elements) for clinical pathways and decision support.
It provides a required introduction to the essential visual vocabulary, concepts, and technical skills necessary for success in all the upper level programs.
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov was credited with providing additional concepts.
Some further reference to his views will, however, be inevitable in an attempt to provide an evaluation of the portfolio-matrix approach and concepts associated with it.
This phase has to provide concepts for recycling and/or disposal of all or part of the system.
Provides more advanced mathematics and concepts in appendices.Includes many new illustrations and examples throughout.