Furious magistrates and employers petitioned the crown against this interference with their legal rights, fearing that a reduction in punishments would cease to provide enough deterrence to the convicts.
One goal of regulatory action is to provide deterrence by imposing costs for past misdeeds.
The in -the National Guard - you ought to understand that the - the reserve forces help provide peace and deterrence.
"The well-being of our children demands that we provide increased deterrence for heinous crimes," Mr. Florio said.
Remained in South Korea to provide deterrence against any armistice violations by North Korea.
Some consumer groups argue that the FDCPA does not go far enough, and does not provide sufficient deterrence against unscrupulous collection agencies.
The F.T.C. takes a case-by-case approach rather than approving industry-wide rules that would provide guidance for advertisers and greater deterrence against deceptive food claims.
The ship's mission is to provide credible, independent forward presence and deterrence and to operate as an integral part of naval, joint or combined maritime forces.
This operation is a success, providing deterrence to piracy but also raising the awareness of the shipping community on best self-protection measures.
The feeling then was that a future strike was too costly to risk, but that the Taylor Law's penalties and fines did not provide sufficient deterrence.