Gould was the smallest property holder and was not providing equity for the project, which led to negotiations to obtain his land.
Some have proposed that a national health insurance plan with comprehensive benefits and no deductibles or other costs from the patients would provide the most equity.
"The other 95 percent," he said, "are in places that we think will provide 'equity like' returns."
In addition, they are doing venture capital deals and growth financing, or providing equity to a company that needs to expand.
This cut needs to be minimized by shifting money in the budget or restructured to provide greater fairness and equity statewide.
"A priority system will provide equity for all members."
In addition to the willingness of the vendors to sell, managers must be willing to buy, bankers to supply debt and investors to provide equity.
The new process is a vast improvement, as it provides greater choice, equity and efficiency.
And companies involved in mergers have long provided equity to their investment banks.
Sukornyk insisted, where possible, that all property be company owned in order to provide equity & stability to the company's balance sheet.