The law, the Flag Protection Act of 1989, provides for an expedited appeal to the Supreme Court, bypassing Federal appellate courts.
The lawyers need at least that much time to determine if the documents - and the F.B.I.'s action in itself - provide grounds for an appeal of their client's 1997 conviction.
Regulation 17 provides for an appeal against a refusal by HMRC to accept a statement.
In the event that these rights are violated and a remedy is denied by other courts, the constitution provides for an appeal to the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) (Art.
They go on to say that nowhere in the Due Process clause is a state even obliged to provide for an appeal.
No execution date was set because state law provides for an automatic appeal of the conviction and death sentence.
(b) the second if required, provides for an appeal to an independent VAT and duties tribunal.
In regard to the letter writer's dispute with the department's finding that services have been restored, Peter Schwartz, a Manhattan landlord-tenant lawyer, said that the law provides for an appeal.
It is now much more important because even in dismissals the ERA provides only for an appeal to another panel of governors: there is no provision for appeals to the LEA.
Schedule 4, paragraph 7A(5) of the Betting and Gaming Duties Act 1981 provides for an appeal against such a decision made by the Commissioner's (see section 13).