The role of the group was to provide heavy bombers for the campaign in Burma.
In 2011, he provided money for the campaign of Mary Davis ahead of the Irish presidential election.
Moreover, the industry has agreed to provide $3 million more for the campaign, provided the Legislature comes up with $2 million.
The role of Southern Command, covering the remaining 21 counties, would be to provide logistical support for the campaign in the north.
Nearly all inhabited places in Vardar Macedonia provided victims for the campaign.
A local car dealer can provide cars for the campaign at a price no one else gets, though that's skating close to the line on legality.
Political advisers also expressed concern that a court fight over the material would spill deep into 1996, providing fodder for the Presidential campaign.
Conversely, approval here could provide a fillip for the pro-treaty campaign in the rest of the community.
Carmichael Lynch is providing its creative services for the campaign pro bono.
Such a plan, they concede, might win little Congressional support but would provide a strong conservative platform for the campaign.