These schools provide instruction and hands on experience to members in a variety of areas, ranging from aviation to search and rescue.
The program is designed to provide hands on leadership programming, substance free brotherhood building activities, personal growth opportunities, and core values exploration.
Additionally, there are numerous student employment opportunities within the veterinary complex that provide hands on experience.
The museum has eight different sections in three buildings, providing hands on experience into science, nature, culture and society.
Students do a non-profit project which provides hands on leadership experience as part of the program.
Owens provides sure hands and explosive talent for an offense in need of both.
The service provides hands on, practical experience at different levels.
A detachment of Brotherhood troops had come along this morning, to provide security and extra helping hands, as necessary.
The EU should step up to the plate and provide real leadership and clean hands.
Park rangers also lead guided tours of the park, providing hands on learning experiences for all.