English Nature is providing £150,000 over three years in grants to support heathland management projects.
Their bill would provide as much as $1 billion in grants rather than loans.
These programs provide over $150 billion a year in grants, loans and work-study assistance.
The plan would also provide $100 million in direct grants for poor communities seeking to improve their water supply systems.
The legislation would provide $18 billion in grants and loans to help local communities build sewage treatment facilities.
The foundation will be providing about $10 million a year in grants.
An additional $52 million is being provided in military grants.
The Government will provide $2.7 billion, or 52 percent of it, in grants and loan guarantees.
The money the city would use to pay the vouchers, he said, is already being provided by the state, in grants called foundation aid.
He said Japan provides Russia about $500 million a year in grants and loans.