"We need to provide our children with every opportunity to graduate from high school, including the night schools."
Legal aid was provided for more than 337,000 people last year, including many who found themselves on the receiving end of a court action.
It calls for a new program to provide care to people with low incomes, including those who are working but lack health insurance.
The school's charter has also provided state of the art computer systems for student use, including a reading lab.
To carry out this mission, it should be provided with appropriate means, including financial resources.
He provides a free sample to everyone there, including Carol.
We provide a wide range of services, including trade counseling, advocacy, and market research.
Congress provided $39 billion for the program over 10 years, including $4.2 billion a year in 1998 and 1999.
Through the center, she provided legal advice to young people, including many who were in foster care or homeless.