I believe that insurance is an honest attempt to provide financial security and independence when you need it most.
The wonderful invention of the automobile has provided us independence and graced us with pleasure.
Not for him are the kind of general instructions to the Solicitor General that provide comfortable independence.
But for the most severely disabled, nothing short of a fully autonomous system, like MAid, will be able to provide real independence.
The standard provides the criteria for modifying programs and the physical site to provide independence.
The Government is committed to providing opportunity, choice and independence to enable disabled people to take an equal role in society.
The museum has sought to increase its endowment balance to provide it financial independence.
She also oversaw the building of new group homes to provide greater privacy and independence.
The band were happy to be associated with an indie label, because it provided them greater independence than a major label.
They said that moving the process outside the department would provide greater accountability and independence, and would increase public confidence.