In addition, the Conservancy provides religious institutions with restoration grants, which last year totaled less than $200,000.
Although $8.2 million is no small sum, it pales in comparison to the amount of funds that federal, state, and local governments already provide religious institutions.
A new issue of shares provides management and institutions with the opportunity to achieve the leveraging effect described in 5.2.
The department was enlarged two years ago to include a division called compliance, which tries to provide institutions with ways of avoiding pitfalls.
Many grocery stores, department retailers and other service providing institutions were shut down or severely limited in the diversity of their supplies.
Local authorities are responsible for providing citizens, firms, and institutions within its jurisdiction with a number of services:
To this end, Amigó established the friars to provide institutions of care and training for poor boys.
The purpose of these is to provide institutions and organisations in this area with financial support.
Its purpose is to provide technical services for the exchanges themselves, members and other financial institutions.
He led an international design agency for five years and provided numerous institutions, societies and companies with a new brand image.