One servo provide longitude and the other servo provides latitude.
They are those who provide latitude for absolute expiation.
At the same time, he provided artistic latitude to his editor, actors and designers.
Some privacy advocates have argued that this "flexibility" may provide too much latitude to covered entities.
The Pataki administration says such a voucher system provides greater latitude for the local governments.
The website provides the best known longitude and latitude (sometimes only accurate to within six or more seconds) of the object along with a description.
This definition arguably provided enough latitude to be applied against the cigarette manufacturers' ongoing efforts to reduce the toxic and carcinogenic yields.
The sensor provides latitude, longitude, time, speed and heading to the user's project or robot.
Most of these only provide latitude & longitude, time, and polarity of cloud-to-ground strikes within a limited range.
Yet the setting might have provided too much latitude for teen-agers, who sometimes verged on being pests.