The Learning Resource Centre provides learners with resources suitable for their studies.
Educators need to provide learners with opportunities to effectively participate in discourse.
This provides young learners with the stimulus and movement necessary to hold their attention and keep them enthusiastically involved.
"To provide learners with a high quality experience, celebrated through vocational and academic achievement, personal development and employability."
Mathematical Literacy provides learners with an awareness and understanding of the role that mathematics plays in the modern world.
At a later stage the ease with which text can be manipulated provides learners with a powerful tool for thinking.
One issue is the effectiveness of explicit teaching: can language teaching have a constructive effect beyond providing learners with enhanced input?
Unfortunately, there are many 'educational' graphics being produced that fail to provide learners with sufficient support of this type.
In particular, flexible learning provides learners with choices about where, when, and how learning occurs.
The library also has a dedicated Afrikaans section, providing learners with a multi-lingual environment.