The Administration strenuously opposes any notion of ordering private-sector employers to provide benefits, either day care or parental leave.
Such measure include mandating employers to provide paid parental leave for employees so that both parents can care for children without risk to their careers.
The Congressional bill would require businesses with more than 50 employees to provide unpaid leave in family emergencies.
In some cases, the government can respond with specific policies, like requiring employers to provide leave for births, deaths or family emergencies.
Proposition F would require employers to provide paid sick leave to its employees in San Francisco.
Some options in family-friendly workplaces include providing paid leave or options for reduced hours.
He is working to support a bill that would require employers to provide paid family and medical leave.
If this is not implemented, then all attempts to provide paternity or parental leave will fail, on account of the financial realities.
Parties must also provide paid leave or adequate social security to mothers before and after childbirth, an obligation which overlaps with that of Article 9.