It might make sense, for example, to provide remaining owners with a right of first refusal.
One would provide owners with as much as $5,000 for the loss of companionship, love and affection.
Two years ago, for its 15th anniversary, the association started a fund to provide female owners with educational opportunities to improve their skills.
A Structure Plan is intended to provide owners and investors with predictable future scenarios.
It will provide owners with a billiard room, saunas, two tennis courts and a card room, among other things.
Although this type of cover will cost more, it is suitable for long-term, ongoing conditions and provides owners with maximum peace of mind.
But that does not necessarily provide owners with the most profit from their property.
"Let's figure out a way to protect those tenants who need protection and still provide owners with the opportunity to keep their rights protected."
The group also provided owners with business training and workshops.
Such property used to provide owners with generous tax-shelter investments in which losses often exceeded income.