They call on American employers to provide desegregated work facilities, equal pay and opportunity for advancement.
An informal survey of municipalities in the county found that most provided differential pay.
Laws were also passed giving married women control of their own property and providing equal pay for women teachers.
The Spanish were often remiss in providing pay and provisions for the sailors.
A special tax was levied to provide pay in coin to the royal housecarls.
Harris will provide back pay to women and members of minority groups who worked at the bank from May 1973 to December 1988.
Whatever the best model for the United States, a vast effort is required to train high-quality people and provide competitive pay.
Following election, he worked on legislation requiring companies who received state tax incentives to provide better pay and benefits.
He was especially supportive of allowing more creative control by wrestlers, providing fair pay and a safe working environment.
"Both defendants declined to settle the case or to provide back pay to the teacher who brought the complaint."