This would allow for personal ownership of health-care policies, which would provide portability, more choice and thus more competition, which leads to lower health-care premiums.
In the past, they used to be fiber optic and provided little portability in dentistry.
There are also many different ways in which these devices can be arranged to provide geographic redundancy, data security, and portability.
In Canada, wireline/competitive local exchange carriers must provide portability.
As of March 14, 2007, wireless carriers must provide portability in most of Canada.
Hand cranks provide greater portability at the cost of greater exertion.
Mr. Kennedy said it would end "the worst abuses of the private health insurance industry" by providing portability and limiting exclusion for pre-existing conditions.
They are important in computer algebra where they provide portability among different mathematical databases and computer algebra systems.
In the same way that any user on any computer can open any web page, XSPF is intended to provide portability for playlists.
In 2001, it implemented the National Enrollment Database, which provided medical portability.