This approach provides policy makers, practitioners and activists with informed analysis and recommendations.
This was done in order to provide sufficient legal practitioners to work in the judicial system established by the British Colonial administration.
Admission to the School's degree programs provides an opportunity to study with accomplished scholars as well as experienced practitioners in small classes.
Conduct clinical trials that will provide practitioners with treatment options to deliver more effective personalized care across diverse populations and settings.
LexisNexis Quicklaw is composed several products, providing legal practitioners with the access they need to perform their research.
The health care insurance plans must cover "all insured health services provided by hospitals, medical practitioners or dentists" (Section 9).
The musicologists have provided practitioners of the field with information and judgments on subjects to which the musicians could not previously have had access.
Manufacturers are now able to provide medical practitioners with publications on off-label uses of a drug, in response to an unsolicited request.
Empire also provided medical practitioners with complimentary stationary and prescription pads.
Meetings provide scholars and practitioners with the opportunity to exchange information, ideas, and perspectives with their colleagues.