Citizenship education provides pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding to become informed citizens, aware of their rights, duties and responsibilities.
The compulsory eight-year program was designed to provide pupils with the elements of ideological, political, moral, aesthetic, physical, and military education.
It has long been recognized that reading can provide young pupils with the chance to develop a general 'feel for the language'.
This was paved in 2004 and a canopy built to cover the space, providing pupils with a dry area outside.
These schools provided pupils with a basic education and religious instruction.
We aim to provide pupils with the opportunity to learn whilst working, exploring and experiencing independently.
The Sports Programme provides pupils this opportunity along with eligibility for further studies at university.
When linked to the attainment of specific learning outcomes it can provide pupils with a positive stimulus and aid to learning.
Since the 1950s, Swedish schools have provided pupils with milk and school dinners.
Schools must provide pupils with these skills, as they do in the case of reading and writing.