Military officials familiar with the document disclosed additional material and provided several quotations from the assessment.
Some firms may provide training on how to present yourself, and how most appropriately to provide quotations.
Signs near the plants usually provide relevant quotations.
Calligraphy is used to enhance the interior of a building by providing quotations from the Qur'an.
A help desk provides immediate quotations and on the spot cover if required.
Over the years I've provided quotations from Be's very own documentation that acknowledges the complexity and problems.
Kammen provides several quotations that suggest that listening to network radio during the 1930's was considerably more active an experience than watching television.
This handbook provides religious justifications and quotations from the Qur'an throughout.
Tenders closed on 22 June, but when no tenders were received, three local firms were approached and asked to provide quotations for the work.
The problem turned out to be a failure in the Quotron system that provides quotations at the exchange.