The program provides recipients with counselors who lay out a detailed strategy for getting the recipients education and job opportunities, so that they can eventually support themselves.
The focus of welfare reform should be to provide recipients with education, training and work experience to learn skills that will enable them to lead productive lives.
Nor is there money, he said, to provide most workfare recipients with any skills beyond rising at dawn to sweep away the city's garbage.
The scholarship is expected to help attract qualified out-of-state students to the university and will provide recipients with additional programming and support during their undergraduate career.
It would also provide recipients with vouchers for housing and food once their cash benefits are exhausted.
Sewing Kits provide recipients with three yards of fabric, scissors, needles, threads, and buttons.
It provides knitters and recipients with a nostalgia conspicuously absent from most people's lives.
That is because the government will provide recipients with day care and subsidize their wages to encourage employers to hire them.
Wine clubs often behave in a themed manner, providing recipients with red wines, white wines, or a mixture of the two.
The prestigious fellowship, for which 1,000 apply each year, provides recipients with room and board, a studio at the academy and a stipend of $7,500.