With the Government providing reinsurance, insurers are expected to begin selling policies again, although at higher rates.
Berkshire's insurance businesses provide insurance and reinsurance of property and casualty risks primarily in the United States.
Pool Re was created specifically to provide reinsurance for terror damage, backed by a government promise to pay any claims the company could not meet.
It provides general insurance and reinsurance in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China.
Ace Ltd., a Bermuda-based company that provides reinsurance, or wholesale insurance bought by insurers, was another winner, up 8.5 percent.
Berkshire, whose chairman, Warren E. Buffett, lives in Omaha, has provided reinsurance to Central States Indemnity since its founding.
But Reliance has agreed to provide reinsurance that will enable Onyx to sell as much as $100 million annually.
Second, the Kerry plan would provide "reinsurance" for private health plans, picking up 75 percent of the medical bills exceeding $50,000 a year.
Sophie Van Bowel, a Fortis spokeswoman, said Swiss Re had been providing reinsurance for Fortis for a year.
In 2002, Buffett became involved with Maurice R. Greenberg at AIG, with General Re providing reinsurance.