The provider provides the networks, servers, storage and other services.
This is accomplished by providing multiple servers and switching end users to an available server at times when one server is made unavailable.
It is not uncommon for major players to provide dedicated servers with 1Terabyte (TB) of bandwidth or higher.
Great Performances will also provide trained servers for Passover seders.
The company provides dedicated servers, cloud servers, and managed hosting services to small businesses.
Sun has provided servers and storage devices and Wipro is the system integrator.
It is no longer operated by VIE; instead, fans and players of the game provide servers and technical updates.
Even Intel announced last week that it would enter the business of providing servers to host Web pages.
Internet hosting service companies use hypervisors to provide virtual private servers.
I can only see it being useful in webhosting for providing fully dedicated servers for cheap(tm).