In my mind, providing such snippets algorithmically on demand, as Google does, doesn't change that dynamic.
Several signs along the way provide historical snippets about Leadville's colorful past.
Instead, it's merely providing snippets of streamed songs on its website.
During the nearly two-hour show, Mr. Phoenix provides snippets of information from the backs of slides and other sources.
For those without cable, Comedy Central provides snippets from The Daily Show on their website here, including last night's analysis of the debates.
The references are detailed and provide snippets of helpful information.
Provides crucial snippets of information that helps Smiley piece the puzzle together.
They need someone to applaud their efforts, keep them from getting discouraged and provide snippets of useful information.
He said surveillance and telephone bugging of the men provided snippets of information about their extremist activities but not "the slightest indication of any preparation for terrorist attacks."
There's no clinical data to support this, but Tarnower provides anecdotal snippets from patients.