The term is an attempt to provide specificity with respect to contents, while avoiding allusion to any particular interpretative tradition or theological school of thought.
Cytology provides higher specificity (fewer false positives) than VIA.
To achieve maximum purity in a single step, affinity purification can be performed, using the antigen to provide exquisite specificity for the antibody.
So, I mean, I'm [audio gap] see some real evidence that this provides enough specificity to be something that you can trust reliably.
Although the capabilities exist for receptor-specific drugs, a shortcoming of drug therapy is the lack of ability to provide anatomical specificity.
The tail fibres are involved in attaching to the host and providing specificity.
Specific immunostimulants provide antigenic specificity in immune response, such as vaccines or any antigen.
It is generally expected that SEC will provide specificity on both the audit standard and the auditor standard.
They provide much greater specificity than DTDs could.
Wells cited a number of factors including SCO's inability to provide sufficient specificity in these claims: